As for One of a Kind, it was great. I had a wonderful booth location and I met so many great people. I also saw some old friends from last year. All in all, it was a fun time and very satisfying, even though it was a little exhausting.
I made quite a few booth changes, both in surface and substance, and it made all the difference. My booth was so much more visually appealing and I felt like my displays filled up the white wall space and made my area more appealing. You can view the final result below.
I also made made some changes that helped me get through the long hours of the show. First, I focused on drinking lots of water. The air in the Merchandise Mart is so dry and it is very easy to get dehydrated and develop a sore throat. A drank hot water with lemon and honey and that really helped me get by. I also invested in some inexpensive floor pads that I layed in back of my table. Those floor pads, along with some comfortable boots with rubber soles, kept my feet from aching.
All in all, it was a great show and I am signed up to go back again next year. I think it may be my last year to participate though because of the booth fee along with hotel costs and parking. It's just a lot of expenses, even though it is such a nice event. We'll see how this year goes and maybe I'll change my mind. For the time being though, I'm planning on being at the 2011 show at booth 3069. Mark your calendars now, ha ha.
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